How We Help

intergenerational volunteering

We are in the process of developing a volunteer corps
to provide these services:

Check-in phone calls or friendly visits

Using technology

Light, occasional household chores

Light outdoor garden or yard work


library books, groceries, prescriptions, mail

Extensive Outreach

designed to engage members in wellness, hobbies and FUN activities

Organizing Assistance

de-cluttering tasks of room, closet, garage, garden, shed


appointments, gatherings, shopping

Meanwhile, we are providing these programs and activities to enhance the health and vitality of aging adults.

Pam talks about the benefits of Breath-Body-Mind

Cherrie describes the life-changing Arthritis Foundation Education Program

Andrea talks about the joys of tablets!

Building Connections

Making Connections

When we feel connected, engaged, and supported, we are healthier, confident, and more independent. Neighbors Network of Lee County, Inc. is changing the way we age in community – join us!

Partnering with Providers

We partner with service providers to connect members and helpers throughout the county.

We are Volunteers, Participants, and Organizers sharing passions and skills!

Creating Community

Walks, Restaurant and Cultural Outings, Card Games, Lectures, Sightseeing, Sporting Events, Workshops, Movie Dates, Stress Management Workshops, Monthly Network Talks, Neighborhood Circles, and more!